Had S2's party two weeks ago, and the theme was "Pokemon Splash Party". Considering the widespread city flooding, it was quite good that we still had about 11 kids plus 2 (S1 and S2). Basically, only invited the boys from S2's class... but I invited the siblings of some of the boys too (as I knew the moms quite well).
Kids watched a Pokemon movie and then had a short Pokemon quiz. Als0 had a BINGO game whereby kids shout out S2's name instead of Bingo. I tediously printed out the Pokemon Bingo Cards, which had Pokemon Characters instead of the numbers...
Then they had a water balloon fight followed with more fun in the pool.
Then the rain came and boy!!! Did it pour! Luckily we managed to have some splashing fun before it rained cats and dogs! After that, had some snacks. Nuggets and Chips for the kids. As for the adults, had grilled chicken wings, chicken curry, fried wonton and fried beehoon. The kwei-pohs were asking for the recipe for the beehoon and I told them that it was the fried pork fat that was the magic ingredient. Actually, mom fried it. And later the kwei-pohs spoke to mom and she said the same thing "pork fat!!!" ha ha ha.. I gladly added that us chinese are very PORKY people. Hahaha.
Thereafter, some kids went off to play the PS2 but most did T-shirt painting of Pokemon characters. Had to go all over the city to look for cheap and decent looking plain white T-shirts for the kids to paint on. Couldn't find them in the normal shops, at the end, I went to T-shirt printing stall to buy the T-shirts of them. Of course more expensive but no choice ler.
Oh yeah.. And S2 had a Feraligatr cake. I had to print a picture from the computer and bring it to the Cake Shop so that they can copy the picture lor.
All in all...think it was a good party lah.
wow...can start business and become party planner loh!
I wish!!! No lah.. Don't think I really have the patience lah.
Hi Nice Blog .At Bingo online games site is seen as socially acceptable even though it is technically gambling. From the point of view of many players it is not seen as gambling at all but rather as more of a social gathering online that just happens to have bingo as the catalyst for a common interest.
Good day, sun shines!
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