Tuesday, December 08, 2009

More Photos of Roemah Djawa

Managed to upload a few more photos of Roemah Djawa. See the other photos here.

The houseowners loves bright colours...as can be seen from the purples, blues, oranges, reds on the walls. Even their air-cond units are painted as per the wall colours!

Entrance of a Hallway
(Paintings of the ASMATs)

Artefacts from Archeological Digs
(Some of these items are over 2 million years old!!!)

Remember I said in my previous post that the houseowners run a specialty tour company? Well, I am pretty interested to go on this particular tour which includes one full day of archeological digs at the site of JavaMan. That reminds me, I need to email them for the information. They only do it once a year in mid-May (Shucks! but that is the time my MIL will be in town... let's see if I can squeeze in between!)

The Main Living Area
(Again, I shouldn't have squashed 6 photos in
Mask and Puppet Room
(One should not buy a Mask anyhow. A Mask must "call out to you"!)

Batik Room
There's still the Bead Room, The office, the West Kalimantan Room, the Master bedroom... and all chockablock with collectibles.
And what do you know? I managed to get invited to visit this Treasure Trove again last Friday for a Wine and Cheese do. Dragged H with me then. We were the first, and naturally he started drinking at 6 pm....and all the way till 11 pm! And all with just cheese to fill in the gaps. Needless to say, he was a bit weird at the end of the evening. :-)
H commented that he has never ever seen a private home with a collection such as this! He was totally amazed with the 2.5 million year old HomoErectus skull on display. Just that would worth a tidy sum!!!

1 comment:

bp said...

yes, what an ex-quisite (and ex as in $$$ too!) collection, looks like a museum, not someone's home sweet home!

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker