Friday, February 12, 2010

Interesting Day @ Chinatown

My girlfriend, CL has been planning to go to Chinatown to purchase CNY stuff for ages. But each time, we had to cancel and postpone the trip due to demonstrations of sorts in the center of town. It's not only the traffic congestion that we are worried about...but more of the "what if a riot breaks out". BUT finally...our trip did happen yesterday.

We arrived in Chinatown at about 9 AM. I did previously come to this part of town but because I was alone and didn't know my way, it was NOT AT ALL interesting. I basically was just on the main road. This time round, CL knew her way round and we ventured into the little side roads and little lanes. Should have brought my DLSR to capture the local colours... especially the sweets and tidbits shops...not to mention the LIVE cobras for medicinal purposes. There's a little roadside stall that sells some kind of LIVE weird bugs for diabetes and what-nots too. Really an eye-opener!!!

Anyway, we had noodle soup at a stall nearby, and bought some CNY stuff like AngPows, Fireworks, Lighted lanterns, Kuaci for H, Bak Kwa, Sweets, CNY Cake, Cak Kwe and a few other small stuff. I donno why I didn't think of buying the BIG fat Hokkien noodle from the market there when I saw them.

If I don't blog in the next couple of days...



wenn said...

Happy CNY!

NomadicMom said...

Wenn - GONG XI FA CHAI to you!!!

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker