With the number of handbags I have, you would wonder if I am a Handbag Lover.
Actually, I am not really one. I am more of a shoe girl....
Then why all the handbags?
Well when I was younger, it was my beloved mom who would lavish me with handbags. Now that I am married, the baton has been passed to H. He would say "Is it time to get you a new handbag?", and my answer is always "I don't need a new handbag". My girlfriend L-Amah says I am the dumbest wife around!
Are you agreeing with her as well?
Alright. Alright. I will ask H for a new handbag. I saw some marc jacobs handbags online which I thought were quite attractive. Just wondering if I should buy it off the web or to physically go to a shop. What's your opinion?
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