Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Myriad of Activities

A fellow mom from S2's class was lamenting about the myriad activities her kids are taking up. Or should I say the fickle-mindedness of her kids. There was the Tae-kwondo phase, then the horse-riding phase, then the Kendo phase etc etc. She said she wouldn't be complaining so much if it weren't for the amount of money spent on buying all the equestrian riding apparel , the Tae-Kwondo or Kendo attire. She had accumulated so much stuff over the years and wanted to put those items for sale. But when she looked at the little and cute tiny sizes, she just couldn't part with them. Talk about hoarders... she sure is becoming one.

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Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker