Thursday, January 18, 2007

Fuming Spa!!!!

Fuming!!!!! Went to the spa with a girlfriend yesterday. Chose a 45 minute Scrub and a 75 minute Aromatherapy massage. Everything went well.... After the scrub and my shower, I was getting ready for my massage and looked at the clock and it showed 11.30 am. So, by right, my massage should end at 12.45 pm, correct?? At 12.15 pm, the therapist told me "finish". Wa.... Of course I complained lah. I hate spas cheating time out of me. Ten minutes will make me mad already. Some more this one THIRTY MINUTES!!!! And all they could say was sorry. I told them that I was not gonna pay full price, and then they "tau ngap ngap" went to call the manager and then came back and said 20% discount. I calculated. Curi 40% of my time and only offer me 20% discount, where can? Of course I argue some more and demand to see the manager. Gave me all sorts of excuses and then I said "next time don't want to come already"...and you know what those idiots said? "It's okay!!" Real real idiots!!! Fuming mad, I was!!

Now how? Have to find another spa to go to lah! Some more I go to this one quite often as it's very very close to the boys' Mandarin class whereby I will go and do either an hour massage or have a hair wash. Now CANNOT already lah!!!

Stupid people "mm sik chou saang yee"!!!!

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