Friday, April 03, 2009

TAG - 100 Truths

Wen tagged me on this... So here I am getting to work on this very loooooooong tag.

001. Name  Nomadic Mom
002. Nickname(s)
 Girl (heheheh... I know u all sure think "Ah? So old! Still called Girl?")
004. Zodiac sign 
005. Male or female 
006. Elementary 
 SRK. Jl. Selangor, PJ
007. Middle School 
Assunta PJ
008. High School 
 Assunta, PJ
009. College School 
 Princess Helena College, Hertforshire; & Swansea College, Wales
009b. University 
 Imperial College, University of London
010. Hair color  Black, with lots of grey. But just dyed it about 2 hours ago. :-D
011. Long or short 
012. Loud or Quiet 
 Loud...can you imagine me being QUIET? Sure something is wrong liow!!
013. Jumpers or Jeans  Jeans
014. Phone or Camera 
015. Health freak 
 Not at all...but have to start to be one.
016. Drink or Smoke? 
 An occasional drink... 
017. Do you have a crush on someone? 
 Now? No time...
018. Eat or Drink 
 Both can?
019. Piercings 
020. Tattoos 
 A cute butterfly on my .?!??!?

023. First piercing 
 7 years old (Those days, use ginger, needle and donno what. D@mn painful!)
024. First best friend 
 Cannot remember leh. I know terrible. Terrible.
025. First award 
 Mmmm....donno lah.
026. First crush 
 This one also cannot remember...maybe 10?? 
027. First pet 
 If I'm not mistaken, ...a monkey
028. First big vacation 
 Australia/New Zealand when I was 10
030. First big birthday 
 Probably when I was ONE. 

049. Eating 
 You mean NOW?? Not eating anything
050. Drinking 
 Just Water... 
051. I’m about to  Lounge on my sofa 
053. Listening to 
054. Plans for today 
 Dinner out with H...hoping that he won't be too lazy to take me to the Buddha Bar
055. Waiting for 
 kids to come home from school

058. Want kids? 
 Already have two not-so-little monstrous boys
059. Want to get married? 
 "Siong sei ah"?? If not married, have 2 boys...
060. Careers in mind 
 Life as a nomad is too challenging to think about long-term careers

068. Lips or eyes 
070. Shorter or taller - Taller
072. Romantic or spontaneous 
073. Nice stomach or nice arms 
 Nice stomach
074. Sensitive or loud
075. Hook-up or relationship 
076. Trouble maker or hesitant 

080. Lost glasses/contacts 
 Of course lah! Search high and low like Siow-Char-Boh!
081. Ran away from home 
 So comfortable at home. What for want to do this?
082. Held a gun/knife for self defense 
 No lah.
083. Killed somebody 
 Of course NO lah.
084. Broke someone’s heart 
 Mmmm... don't think so.
085. Been arrested 
 So good girl. Of course NOT!
087. Cried when someone died 

089. Yourself 
090. Miracles 
091. Love at first sight 
092. Heaven 
093. Santa Claus 
094. Tooth Fairy 
095. Kiss on the first date 

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now 
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life 
 I supposed so...
099. Do you believe in God 
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 20 people 
 Everybody on my blog roll???


Anonymous said...

I didn't know your first pet is a monkey, is that for real? I remember when you first went to OZ/NZ and EVERYONE has to come down to Sing while you guys go gallivanting!


Anonymous said...

where got 100?? so many missing.

Re. no 59. B just said to me "I want to marry nobody but I want to have kids. Can I do that?"


spymama said...

i oso a Libran hor. *hi-5*

slavemom said...

Girl, u r the 1st person I come across (in tags) who's nvr broken someone's heart. So good! Hope no one broke urs too. :)

NomadicMom said...

YM - We used to have a monkey in the house whath.

D - Oh yah hor... I went back and see. Really missing quite a lot.
Look on the bright side... he is a boy. Not so tabooooo...

SpyMama - *Hi-5*

Slavemom - Mmm... Hurt people's feelings perhaps but NOT to the extent of break heart lah.
As for mine? H lah. Who else???

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker