Thursday, June 04, 2009

Ze French Maid???

That's what H called me this morning.... when I was mopping the floor in my shorts and spagetti-straps....with quite a lot of exposed cleavage! Hahahahah

Anyway, since no maid... I have become the maid. And just today, I've done the washing, hung them out under the sun, washed 3 bathrooms & 1 toilet, mopped 4 bedrooms + upstairs living + downstairs living + dining, changed sheets for my guests (whom will be arriving tomorrow) as well as washed the floor mat and kitchen towels. As I am typing this, I am pooped!!!!

I try to look on the positive side of not having a maid... my boys are indeed learning SOME responsibilities. Packing their own PE Kit, water bottles, shoes. I tell you... they are indeed spoilt. The maid used to take out their shoes from the cabinet, and the other day, my S1 came out of the house, he was like a bit shocked and panicked "My shoe is lost! Someone stole my shoe! ". He had forgotten that he had kept his shoes back into the cabinet! Aduh! They've also been making their own beds every morning.... Yup! Before school. Good huh? Even H has been making our beds since the maid's departure. But I think he is very scared that I will be 'mang-chang' in no time... with all the housework. Kept asking me to get the part-timer to come ASAP! My driver is looking for one.... think she's coming on Tuesday.

Without maid, cannot die one lah. Just a bit more difficult, and schedules need to be adjusted so that I can be home when boys get home. I think house a bit dirty is okay.... it's the laundry that needs to be done EVERYDAY otherwise it will certainly pile up HIGH! Yesterday, did make some mini cupcakes (about 65 of them!) for H to bring to work today. Also made a very yummy roast chicken with thyme and lemon for dinner. All the 3 boys enjoyed it!

But don't think there will be any cooking whilst my guests are here. Just gonna eat out.



shoppingmum said...

I salute u!!! No maid, with tonnes of house work and you can still bake cupcakes. LOL! You are right, cannot die la, but really do until least for me. :P

mott said...


S1 n S2... heh... dun be lazy k? Even if mum gets a maid, it's better the maid focuses on MORE IMPORTANT CLEANING CHORES!

*runs far far far FAR away before S1 and S2 gets chance to throw shoe at aunty*

MeRy said...

Salute u!!!

Jonzz said...

Due to pre-lunch hunger, I only remember yummy roast chicken with thyme and lemon, lol!

Irene said...

wahpiang eh! u memang TERER!

NomadicMom said...

ShoppingMum - H promised his workmates have to do it lah.

Mott - Actually, this S1 and S2 really need to do more stuff for themselves lah. I have been repeating that even when we have a permanent maid, they MUST CONTINUE to do what they are doing like as-if there is no maid. Cannot be so spoilt lah.

MeRy - Aiya. No need to salute. Do do do... but apparently, my face SOUR wor...

Jonzz - mmmmmmm Yum Yum. I do love the smell of fragrant thyme!

Irene - Not that terrer. Cause can get easily MANG CHANG!!!

KittyCat said...

Hehehe I think most men have this 'maid' fantasy! When I used to do all the housework, Hubby kind of like it that I was the one who folded his shirts, pants and towels - he said he thinks of me while he's wiping himself dry in the shower. Eww...not romantic at all, right?

NomadicMom said...

Kittycat - Thank goodness I don't know how your hubby looks! Otherwise, I will have images popping into my head!!!

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