Thursday, September 29, 2011

Been Neglecting my Blog....

Boy! Have I been neglecting my blog. Been soooooooooooooo busy with the Centre.
In fact, I should NOT be here trying to blog.

Everything is KELAM-KABUT. Even kids also KELAM-KABUT.
Complaints from teacher and detention and all.
Have I been neglecting them as well?

Not trying to defend myself... though I have been busy working, I have been home when boys come back from school... and I'll go with my usual "how is school, what homework do you have, any problems etc ". Short of me taking their books out and holding their hand to write or type, what am I supposed to do ah? Been getting complaints that they have not been doing their homework. I sit here next to them every night in the Study area summore. Must PHYSICALLY CHECK that each piece of homework is done?

They are so big liow .... and still need that? I donno lah..
Anyway, they are both being punished by the father...


stay-at-home mum said...

I am with you on this. That was the problem with my son. He doesnt do his h/w and says that he has, and we are right there with him, just short of physically checking it. SIGH! At this age, I feel that we should trust them when they say they have done it, they must have done it. We dont have to look that it has been finished. In fact I do that for my 6 y/o too. Am I doing the wrong thing too?

mun said...

I agree with something another blogger mom has said about homework. It is not the parents' responsibilities to check the homework physically. Just let them know that they are responsible for doing their own homework and let them know the consequences of not doing homework - punishment, detention and etc.

jacss said...

looks like i'm not alone...hate to know that i can't trust them with homework!! just had a call from teacher the oth day saying my boys didn't passed up their project! grrrrrr
now that u r working, it's gonna be tougher :(

NomadicMom said...

SAHM - So how like that??

Mun - At least now, the boys have a new school principal and things are getting more he demands that the school improve on its academic performance.

jacss - Yup. Tough! Tough!

Rose world said...

Hope everything in place now! In few years time I will be like you, nagging and having a cane to get my kids to do school works. HOpe it wouldnt happen.

saiful10 said...

Wish you every thing is place now. thanks

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker