Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Australian/NZ Christmas Bazaar

Went to the ANZA Christmas Bazaar last Tuesday with mom. These are some of the stuff that I got.... When I showed H the costume jewellery, he was like "oh my god! What happened to your taste??" ... hehehe.. Actually, when I was looking at them, I was like saying "sure H will say 'what happened to your taste these days?'" ... I was right, huh? But I thought quite nice what.. also these days, these things are very "hing".

This pair costs about RM 30. It's those look-alike-jade thingys with chinese knots.

The necklace is about RM 120, and it's from turquoise. Kinda like turquoisey things.. The earring very cheap, only RM 10.

Shoes are from some kind of skin.. whether cow or snake or whatever..but costs RM 80 a pair. No..have not shown H these shoes yet.

Anyway, mom was shopping with me (we left granny in the house with the maid) and she said "angmoh all buy lapp sapp" as she surveyed all the mm-sam-mm-sei stuff on display. Ha ha ha.. but she did buy some patterned cloth wine bags with batik motif, and she's still figuring out what she's gonna do with them. She's also wondering where were the paper wine bags that she bought in Thailand donkey years ago... At least 5 years ago!!! When I was living there!!! Probably all makan by moths already, I reckoned!!

As I was saying, we left grandma in the house... we left the house like at 9 am and was gone till about 3.50 pm. According to my maid, grandma was pacing and she kept asking her to "sleep". And grandma on the other hand told me the same thing..that maid ask her to sleep.. and she asked the maid what time boys coming back etc etc.. I was amazed with the "kai thoong ngap kong" ... both of them actually understood each other. Well, grandma obviously was very restless lah.. and queried us why we were sooooo long! We went to bazaar, had lunch, then went to buy some layer cake for gifts and then off to the the supermarket to buy groceries for dinner (we had our local relative over for dinner that night) wor.. of course took longer than the traffic jams were a killer that day...


laundryamah said...

ya wor what happened to your taste ah?? the first pair of earings a bit keng yan lor! hahahahha...

mommy of 3 angels said...

poor grandma...why don't wanna bring her along leh! the necklace set vely nice...must see u wear la..with the right clothes

Anonymous said...

Yah, the first jade ear-rings look pretty bad! Really like pasar malam. But the turqoise pair is nice la. kl.

NomadicMom said...

Really ar?? Not nice meh the jade ones?? Then something really must be wrong with my taste... Must go for "FASHION SENSE" Class liow..

NomadicMom said...

Oh yeah...don't bring grandma cause she can't walk for too long lah. Cannot exactly dump her at the coffee shop the whole time we walk leh.. So, left her at home to watch dvds. :-)

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker