Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Whatsa beena happeningggg???

School Mid-Term Break
Boys are having their one week mid-term break which started last Saturday (13th November ), and will be going back to school on Monday, 22nd November. Initially, wanted to take them to Jogjakarta to visit the Borobudur and Prabanan Temples. But with Mt. Merapi huffing and puffing away, that is totally OUT of the question. So how to entertain them for one whole week?
Do Math and English worksheets?? hehehehe.. Yeah. Made them do some.
And today, S2 has 2 friends over...and the boys are having a ball upstairs.

Grandma is HERE
Boys' grandma is here in Jakarta for a week..... She arrived last Saturday (13th November) and will be going home on Sunday, 21st November. Yeah. Yeah.. coincided with boys' mid-term break. As I said, initial plan was for ALL of us to go to Jogjakarta but that's not happening. So grandma just have to contend to staying in this traffic-choked city. And not only that. My silly H said to my girlfriend "must make use of MIL...to babysit the boys" so that both of us can getaway. Yup. Both H and I flying to Bali tomorrow...

Just to take the plane...
H was back in KL last week for work... and then he went to Macau for work/leisure. Only came back on Saturday....arriving 30 minutes later than Grandma. Just before he boarded the plane at KLIA, he texted me about getting away.... since my mom will be around to babysit! Floated ideas of flying to Paris. I was like "you gila or what? Really never sit plane before??" It's really literally flying there on Wed (as he has to work on Mon & Tues) and then back again... Besides, we are already going on a long holiday in a month's time. Told him NO. Furtherst that I will fly-to is either Bali or Phuket. I suggested that maybe just book a hotel in the city. That's also getaway what. He said NO. Okay. Then decided on Bali. Just as I was booking the flight. He was still thinking of Hong Kong or Perth. Really loves to fly so much meh? Anyway, booked to fly-off to Bali tomorrow and back on Saturday morning. And what do you know? He called me up and said that his boss wants to have a mandatory meeting on Friday afternoon... and off I went to amend our flights to return on Friday. And less than an hour later, he texted me and said the meeting has been re-scheduled again. You say lah. I get irritated or not? Anyway, not changing the schedules anymore.... so just go for two nights.
Wouldn't cause so much of a problem if we would have just booked a room in the city, right???


Anonymous said...

Hehehe....maybe you should learn to cook proper airline food! Your hubby enjoys it so much, maybe that's why he wants to fly so often!


LittleLamb said...

wah...a lot of MILES there wor. there goes ur free trips ma. take it as a blessing.. and

LOL on ur first comment. hehehe maybe u can consider to suit up as a stewardess..

NomadicMom said...

G - Aiyaaaaa...

LittleLamb - I have to admit that he is trying hard to collect MILES to keep is Gold Elite card. These days, don't fly too frequent for work stuff ..
Suit up as Stewardess? The British Airways Stewardess ? Or the TIGHT Sarong Kebaya ones??

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Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker