Sunday, March 25, 2007

Athens...Here I come!!

Finally!!! The trip that I was promised! We are off to Athens this Tues/Wed. We are going to be there for 5 nights and returning on the 2nd of April.... but only arriving back home on the 3rd.

At first, H wanted to go to either LAX or LHR but the redemption flights on Singapore Airlines were full... Yes. It's a last last minute thing. So, since we've both not been to Greece... and there were go to Athens la.. So..have not been updating my blog for the last week because busy checking out for hotels... Siow H said 5 nites in Greece seems long, how about fly to LHR for the weekend?? I was like "mei chor kor fei kei meh"??? Donwan.....

So, it's 3 nights in Athens and then the remainder 2 nights in Delphi and Olympia...

Kids? mom is here ma.... heee hee..


WMD: Wife, Mother, Daughter said...

So nice, get to go to Greece and have "honeymoon" holidays. Must go when you get the chance...especially when your mum can babysit the boys. mum afraid to babysit my boys :(

NomadicMom said... lucky that my mom is still able and more importantly, willing to babysit the boys..they can be REAL MONSTROUS MONKEYS!!

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker