Thursday, December 06, 2007

Year 6 Xmas Dinner

Went to S1's Year 6 Parent-Teacher dinner at one of the parent's house yesterday. Or should I say mansion?? Anyway, it was a combined dinner of all four classes. Not many parents turned up. From S1's class, only the parent/s of five students came. Quite low ....considering the class has 23 kids. Anyway, it was nice meeting the teachers in an informal way. Didn't realise that S1's teacher was soooooooo tall until yesterday. Even with my 2 1/2 inch heels, I couldn't reach his shoulders! And mind you, I am about 5 feet 6 inches tall!!! Yes.. still think he is a fairly good-looking chap! Hahaaha.. Did get goodbye pecks on both my cheeks! Hahahah... Cheap thrill!!

Anyway, had quite a good chat with T's parents. H didn't go as he was still not well. Don't know how we got to the topic of husbands and minor wives etc etc, and that how local ladies are in abundance to swoon over expat men...blah blah blah.. but then there was a case whereby one of the top-level expat wife of T's dad's company ran away with her personal trainer. Apparently, it was a SHOCK to the men in the company....because they thought it was "their world with all the local gals flocking". So this was a wake-up call for them. Then there was another case, whereby a Belgium lady left her hubby whom she have had four children, to go live with a stall-holder, and she was happy hawking! Yes..more gossips as we gulp more wine! :-)


winniethepooh said...

wow teacher must be REALLY tall consider ure 5'6 thats already very tall! hehehe

definitely a wake up call for the guys dun think they are ang mo and hv lots of moni, thats what woman ONLY wants..there are more to just moni to keep ur woman :P

Anonymous said...

your 5'6 is with heels wan issit?

sting said...

wow! the teacher's so tall.. and for the kids, he must have been like a giant...

bp said...

Don't play play, hor?

Wow, you are 5' 6... o boy, i am really short compared with you.

Mamapumpkin said...

Wow, you're so tall! *jealous* Some more wear 2.5 inch heels!!

Anyway, the gossip. *eyes bulging in eagerness for more*

Anonymous said...

happy hawking hahaha i like that

Leena said...

oh well..runaways..
we don't know the inside story. maybe they looked like a perfect couple, who knows they pull each other's hair every minute they're together, alone.

then again, money can't buy happiness.

NomadicMom said...

winniethepooh - yes. He is really really tall. When I told H about how tall the teacher was, S1 heard me and said "i only reach his waist!".
Definitely a wake up call indeed. I have to go and tell H this story. I forgot lah...

Anonymous - No. Without heels.. had my height rechecked at celebrity fitness about 3 months back, and the reading was 170 cm.

Sting - Yeap.. my S1 only reached his waist wor...

bp - Sometimes, I want to be shorter lor.

Mama Pumpkin - Why leh? I can't really wear my heels often lah.. If I wear them, I look taller than my H, although with my heels, we are sort of same height.

V - happy, come out in newspaper smiling in front of the stall somemore.

Shern's Mom - Yup...donno what goes behind close doors.

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker