Thursday, July 28, 2011

Where's my engagement ring?

Actually, I do have an engagement ring.
But... as the years went on, pounds were added on.
And I can no longer wear my engagement ring.
A little sad because I am no longer the sweet and slim chick that I was.
No longer can slip my finger through that sparkling ring....
Who am I kidding?
I was never a sweet slim chick! Hahahaha
I tried ENLARGING the ring, but it is maximised to the max already.
I wonder if H will get me new custom engagement rings... Is there such a thing as buying the wife replacement engagement rings? Or is it a NO NO?


Mamapumpkin said...

Haha, same problem here. I sent mine to HK to get it resized larger & it cost a bomb. Think about RM1000+ cuz platinum and with insurance etc. So it worked. That was 3 years ago. Now it's getting slightly tight again!!!

NomadicMom said...

Mamapumpkin - Add more material? Think I might have to do that if I want to wear my rings! Or maybe just keep for my daughters-in-law

Anonymous said...

Err...slim self, I agree. But sweet??



Jeffry Pullam said...

It would be great if your husband bought you a new engagement ring. And while you're at it, you can also renew your vows! LOL! Just kidding. It was a great idea though! Hehe!

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