While I was away for 6 nights, H was left in charge of the boys. Naturally, the boys had a WHALE OF A TIME. H practically let them do whatever they wanted... and he did warn me so when I was getting back. Apparently, the boys woke up reaaaaallly early each day (before H) and was in front of the TV playing PS2. H said he left for work, and came home at 3 pm and the boys were still at the exact same spot! And when he asked the boys if they did anything else other than playing games, S1's response was "DAD. Are you blind? We are still in our pyjamas!".
Here are some pix that I got via email ...."When Daddies are Left In Charge of the Kids"

Welcome back, Nomadic Mom!
Haha, I think it was SAHM who said, and I quote her, "daddies always spoil the market"... for us mommies!
all husbands oso same kind one la
close two eyes...close two ears...and
the one thing that will make the daddy happy?
bp - Yeah lor.... They spoil market and yet the kids are more afraid of him one wor.
Wen - Same from Mars ma.
Mott - Close everything liow!!!!
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