I am Crier.
Yup! You heard me right. A Crier.
I cry real easily.
Mom says that I take it after her...I think she's right.
We cry at happy stuff. And we cry at sad stuff. We cry at funny stuff too!
We cry at happy stuff. And we cry at sad stuff. We cry at funny stuff too!
And I CRY at movies......especially at movies. This is one thing that my H can NEVER understand. He'll look at me, see me cry, and burst out laughing. He just finds it too funny that I cry at all sorts of movies, even cartoons. I remember that I did cry when Nemo's mom got eaten by the barracuda. :-)
This animated film below?
Supposed to be d@mn funny, right? 

Somehow....I still managed to tear up! Which scene?
The scene when the old tortoise was saying his last words before passing away....Siow, right? Hahahahah ....
When I was Q-ing up for Kung Fu Panda last Saturday (took S1 to watch it...S2 watched it with his friends) I saw that SATC was on...and I immediately called H up and asked if he wanted to watch the movie with me. His remark was a great big NO. He didn't want to watch a chick flick.
So...what do I do?
I organised a Mommy session to the movies for today.
We met at 11.00 for coffee at Coffee Bean,
then lunch at Din Tai Fung,
and then SATC at the Premiere Cinema.
Though there were 8 mommies at coffee, only 5 of us went for the movie, as some mommies had to fulfil their mommy duties...
SATC was only shown at the Premiere Cinema...which costs USD 11 per seat. Normally, the new movie (This week's new movie is Get Smart) would be in the Premiere, as SATC is considered to be (old) last week's movie. I supposed the cinema management reckoned that the 'Si-Lais' and 'Tai-Tais' set would pay the premium price to watch this movie....us included! Heee heee...
But it was indeed comfortable....leather seats that fully recline, and blanket provided. As we had just had a heavy lunch, we didn't order any food/drinks. Thus, we didn't get served in the theater. :-)
Did I enjoy SATC?
Did I cry?
Gulp! Yup. I did. Cried at a few parts too!
When the movie ended, I quickly wipe off my tears, in case the other mommies thought I was "siow".
And guess what?
The other mommies were teary-eyed too!!
Guess I'm not the only crier around.
Haha, I also get teary-eyed when I watch movies but not every movie lah. Mr DQ finds it really amazing that I can sob sob even though it's just a movie. Men - they will never understand... :)
Ha ha,..i am like you too. Get teary even in cartoons too. Hubby's response exactly like yours.
misha started her summer holidays already ... S1 and S2 started theirs?
Wah...everywoman I know cried!
I'm supposed to see next week...hahah..guess I better pack some tissues!
me watched kung fu panda .. sooo funny :)
i love the ending :)
Dancing Queen - No lah.. Not every movie I cry lah... Heehee...
Ya lah. Men never will understand this.
wmd - Heeee heee...Here. Give you a box of tissues.
Misha's Mum - Not yet. This week is the last week.
Yah. Kung Fu Panda is quite hilarious!!!
Mott - Yes. Yes. Pack some tissues. Otherwise you'll have to wipe your tears with your sleeves and collars, like me!!!
i cried at SATC too... hubby thot it sucked, but he guy mar. we are more emo and it's the values of love, friendship and loyalty that hit the tear ducts :P
The tears must be a after-becoming mommy thing? I find I'm more emotional than those before kids-days.
i wanna go watch SATC....that good ah....better not miss it then
will bring my own box of tiss!!
Sweetpea - You got it spot on! Hubbies sure won't understand one lah.
bp - For me, movies always hit a cord with my tear ducts. So, don't think it's a mommy thing.
M3Angels - It's quite funny too. So we were crying, laughing, crying, laughing...hehehehe
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