H turns one year older today! Big boy liow....hahahhaha
Being the goody wife that I am, I made him a home-cooked meal of Pitta Bread with Tzaziki Dip, Lamb Shank with Baby String Beans; and a Black Forest Cake. Bought some flowers to set the table too...complete with tealights and all...
Table all set-up
Pitta Bread and Tzaziki Dip
Lamp Shank and Baby String Beans
Black Forest Cake
(Errr...decor needs abit more work!)
Some fun gone wrong!!!
Some fun gone wrong!!!
(That's S2) 
(Blogging now...as H has gone out with his pals!)
(Blogging now...as H has gone out with his pals!)
happy birthday to ur hubby! and love S2's photo..hehehehe!
OPPS! What happened to S2? S1 did it?
your CAKE!!!!! all your hard work!!!
happy birthday to H.. u sure r lucky..homemade Tzaziki Dip..wish I had someone who could make me this!!! ;-)
happy birthday to your hubs! wow, wat a special spread for him...:)
Happy Birthday to your hubby!
You are such a brilliant lady, even could prepared everything by yourself..
u culinary chef...i can't even pronounce some of the dishes in your menu.
wat did S2 do to your black forest la?
Wow...you actually cook and bake. I would have just asked him to choose a restaurant he wants to go, and I take him there.
Wen - ;-D
Mott - Nope. It was H that did it. Kemek cake still eat. Just not so pleasant looking only.
Tzaziki is very easy. Just chop chop chop cucumber and herbs, and then dump into plain yogurt.
Dancing Queen - Can say special lah...since I seldom cook due to laziness!!! Hahahah
Huisia - Got maid to wash, cut, chop etc...then it's no big problem.
M3Angels - Where got? You mean Tzaziki?
H dunk S2's head into the cake!
wmd - If I take him to restaurant, he would have to pay for it leh! So also not my present to him...
"Happy belated birthday to H"
Whoaaaa.... the food looks yummy... cute b'day cake :)
Selba - Hey Hi! Thanks. Have to say the food IS yummy! Heee heee...Self Praising here! Hahahah
Belated birthday wishes to your husband!
Your must-be-v-yummy homecooked meal and cake, and the fun you all had (with the cake especially, hehe!) must have made the day so extra special! Lucky him to have you =).
bp - I do constantly Remind H that he is ONE LUCkY guy to have me!!!! Hahahahaha...
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