Friday, 30th May
.....starting with last Friday. I actually had made an appointment with my friend and a golf instructor to brush up my driving skills...but got a call on Thursday from the class dad's secretary to remind me of the Year 3 Art Day on Friday. I was like "Huh???? You mean it's tomorrow??? ". I had volunteered to help out in S2's Art Day and just didn't realise that it was to be on the 30th of May. So...early Friday morning, I hopped onto the school bus together with the boys. It was a loooooong day for me. Didn't even have time to have a proper lunch. Ended up eating the horrible sandwich from the schools's tuckshop in S2's classroom. Chewed until my jaw was aching like crazy.
What did the kids do on Art Day? Well, they painted their classroom windows with some scenery, individual umbrellas and made a mobile. I was helping out with the mobile. was too long a project. The kids had to make snowflake from plastic transparencies, cloud from cotton wool, stick coloured paper on a rainbow and have little drawings of cars/dog/houses to be stuck to a "tornado". And then have these four thingies hung from a cross-frame. I was really up to my neck that I didn't even manage to take pictures (although I took my camera along) :-(
Boys had after-school activity (swimming) that finishes at 3.20 pm...and since by the time that we were done with the whole lot of mobiles, it was already 2.45 pm, I decided that I might as well wait and have the boys go home together with me. We stopped by at McD's to get boys some snack, and then off to buy some scrapbooking paper before heading home. As the traffic in town was already 3-in-1 (3 ppl required to be in the car), the driver would not be able to pick H up from work. So...we all went down to pick H up and then have dinner at Sushi-Tei. I was full...but H? He went on to have a Mushroom Double Swiss with Fries from Burger King!
Saturday, 31st May
In the morning, I dragged H along with me to the Royal Doulton sale. Okay...first and foremost, I am not exactly a Royal Doulton fan...but everybody (i.e. the si-lais, makciks, aunties etc) are like sooooooooo excited over this sale. So of course I must go and look-see. They had this country roses one (a lot of makciks and indian aunties) and another floral bluey one in complete set. But then..these are not my taste.
Other other designs are available...but also were not really my style. They have an ALL WHITE design specially for the hospitality industry. I bought a sauce boat from this range. One and only sauce boat. When I went to pay, they were soooooo shocked that I bought only ONE piece. The surprise in their voice was rather obvious. Think alot of makciks buy a lot one. :-)

We went to watch the new Indiana Jones at noon....

I have to say that I didn't really like it. I don't like the idea of "aliens" in an Indiana Jones film. ;-P
And then it was a rush to go to T's 11th birthday party. The boys had fun, of course! H came along as well....We stayed there till about 7 pm.
Sunday, 1st June
We went for our weekly tennis early in the morning. Rushed home for a quick change and headed for school. It was International Fair and I had to man the games stall for S1's class at 11 am. Got there just on time. It was a card game stall.... It was quite fun to man this stall. :-) Then at noon, I had to dash to my other duty at the Malaysian stall. Don't know why they needed my help.... the stall was FULL with the makcik moms. What did I do? Very pathetic duty of stapling the nasi lemak packs. Yup! Stapling!!! Only later, I went to persuade people to drink the teh tarik. At 1 pm, I cabut from the stall. Both H and S1 were already kinda bored. S2? Happy aje... he was going round the games stalls and stuffing himself with soft drinks. We left school about 1.30 pm...and spent the rest of the day vegetating at home. Ahhh...Nice!
Monday, 2nd June
Again!!! Had to go to school today. This time, for reading duty at S2's class. Volunteered this ages ago. Just didn't realise that it was so close to Year 3 Art Day and International Day. And guess what? Tomorrow is Sports Day!! Aiyo.. think I will pengsan if I go to school again tomorrow..... I asked the boys for permission to be excused from Sports Day. And thank goodness they are alright with that.
Anyway, S1 came home from school today with a little injury. He tripped over a classmate's leg and fell. He has been told to not put much pressure on his leg. Thus, he has been excused from participating in the events tomorrow. So...only S2 will be in the sports event. Luckily he's not upset that I'm not going...probably because his best pal's mom is also not attending. :-) This leaves me to go for my weekly scrapbooking. Oh yeah! There's also a bazaar tomorrow...but havent' decided whether to go or not....
busy busy busy .. :)
you know, i feel like you also attending school..hahaha...just so busy everyday!!
Misha's Mum - Taking things slow now..In fact, did nothing other than scrapbook today!
Huisia - Heheheeh...No lah. Taking things very slow today. :-)
Thanks for popping over to my kids'blog :)
I just volunteering in my girl's school and am having fun. I'm sure I can learn a lot from you on the volunteer work :)
You're one busy mommy, as usual =) So nice of you to help with this and that at the boys' school, and enjoy your scrapbooking, too!
lzmommy - Certain volunteer work can be fun :-) ....but some can also be a bane :-(
For Singapore - the parents must do volunteer work before the child even enters the primary school hor? I remember my cousin-in-law doing alot for her daughter to get into one of the prestigious schools.
bp - I scrapbook today until my eyes almost pop out! Hahaha..H was a little worried that I am staying at home doing too much scrapping!
As for the boys' school, have to give face to my kids abit lah...:-)
hoping S's foot is much better now ya.. you mean, only cars with 3 people or more can be allowed to drive in the city is it? would that be bit inconvenient?
Oh yes! Some of them do that so their kids can secure a place. But I volunteer after mu girl in the school. Some said I nothing better to do. :)
Sting - Yes. During peak hours, cars with at least 3 ppl only can enter certain parts of the city center. You can actually pay a 'jockey' to jump into your car to make up to three!
LZMommy - Well...look on the bright side, your daughter is happy to see you INVOLVED in her school. No need to care what ppl say lor.
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