Thursday, October 09, 2008

GILA Blogger....

Am I a real GILA blogger???

Am actually at the airport waiting for our flight to Singapore. One more hour to wait....and since there are PCs and free internet access in the lounge.
Why NOT blog?


Actually ah....I tell you ah.. this S2 of mine. Just after check-in this morning, I received a call from an unknown number...Picked it up and it was S2 on the other line. And the first thing he said was "Mommmmmmmy. I lau-sai".
What can I do leh??
He dirtied his underwear and apparently it had seeped through his pants.
How lah?
And driver just dropped us at the airport. It would take him about an hour and a half to get home (peak hour traffic) to pick my mom up and another 40 minutes to get to school.
Can you imagine S2 with a butt full of sh#t for more than 2 hours?
Told him to just throw away his underwear and clean himself up as best as he can while waiting for Grandma to pick him up.

And then there is the problem of Grandma being blurr blurr at school... she doesn't know where is his class nor the Primary school office nor the Medical Room. Thus, she'll have to ask around.
*sigh* Before I leave the country already got interesting event already.

Okay lah...later...

Will need to just send an email to school now...


Anonymous said...

LOL! A bit gila, still wanna blog when you about to fly. Enjoy your honeymoon ya?

LHS said...

haha...a present for you before you off to your trip..

sting said...

hahaha! very dedicated blogger! have a good trip ya.. :-) and don't worry about the kids ya.. :-)

NomadicMom said...

shoppingmum - because kill time while waiting for flight maaa...

huisia - presents? I lurvvvveee presents.

Sting - actually not so dedicated these days. lazeeeeee...
Called kids liow.

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker