Wednesday, May 05, 2010

D&C Done.......

Tuesday, 4th May - Left the house early in the morning for the hospital. The admissions was quite quick. I am the one admitting but seems like H has more papers to sign. Guessed it is because he is the payor? Too late to get our insurance to pay have to pay first and claim later.

They put me in a delivery suite and sorted out the preliminaries. Everything went smoothly, though they did have a tough time looking for my vein for the IV. The nurse was like *piak* *piak* my left hand, then right hand, then left hand. Apparently, my veins very fine. H joked "too much fats, cannot find the vein". Not long later, I moved over to the day-surgery room to have the procedure done. Up until now, I was fine...until the midwife came and strapped my legs to the stirrups. And then I did break-down abit. Stuffed up my nose and all. But thankfully, the doctors (obgyn and anasthetician) came quite quickly to start on the procedure. Have to say when the anasthetic was injected, it was d@mn painful. Was almost cursing. Then I heard them say "Udah tidur?" and I answered in a very irritated manner "belu....."... ZZZZZZZZZZZ.

The next thing I knew, H was standing next to me. I was keen to leave ASAP, but then they wanted to make sure I could drink...then eat etc, without feeling nauseous. Anyways, managed to leave the hospital at about 11.30 am. Was pretty hungry, actually went to have lunch with H at the Penang Bistro before heading home. I don't know if there is the residual medication from the anasthetic or what, I was feeling blardy sleepy. Think I slept like 3.5 hours.

Anyway, apparently I have to go through "confinement". I don't know how this works when I absolutely do not feel like I need one. I supposed I just follow what I can. No cold drinks. No "cooling" foods like watermelon, pineapple etc. But I don't think I can stay at home all day. Errr...don't tell mom, but in about an hour's time, I am meeting a friend for lunch. Donwan to stay at home and stare at the four walls lah.


Bryan and Brandon's Mama said...

Hi, happy to hear that everything went well. Agree with the anaesthetic, blardy painful somehow when the liquid was injected in. Eat well lah, at least. More tummy warming food and lots of ginger :)Keep well ok mummy?

mott said...

glad to hear it went well. take care of yourself..your body is considered 'healing' at this stage.

But.. go out la, shower la, wash hair la.. ha ha ha..not strict confinement.

take care

Kit said...

My veins are like yours too!

Ya, go out but be a good girl when it comes to food and drinks, eh?

NomadicMom said...

Bryan & Brandon's Mama - Have to say that it is rather difficult to adhere to the "confinement foods". I mean I can NOT eat the Cooling foods, but cannot expect my boys to eat gingery foods though.

Mott - I don't know if I am just being a pig or if body really healing. Slept soooooooooooo much!
And yeah. I already go out la, wash hair lah, shower la...

Kitticat - Think I quite good girl lah. Ordered foods that are more "ok" and NO cold drinks.

WMD: Wife, Mother, Daughter said...

Take care. I guess do what you can regarding following the confinement rules.

just read about the miscarriage. Sorry to hear about that.

laundryamah said...

got to follow the confinement rules as much as possible leh...v r not getting younger wor..take care k. tried calling u but u no pick up..hugs

NomadicMom said...

Laundryamah - Yeah. I am drinking "hoong chou char"...till I think I almost "lau pei huit".

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker