Friday, December 03, 2010

A Jumbled Post - 3 Dec 2010

I realised that I have not talked about anything else other than my bidding on eBay! Read here, here, here and here. no more eBay talk in this post.

Anniversary Surprise
Nope! H did not give me a diamond ring nor a handbag or whatever. Instead, he woke me up with a piece of news. He went "should I tell you, or should I not tell you".... irritating. He had just talked to his boss and "Finland or Singapore" was the option. Huh?? Apparently, his boss prefers that he goes to Finland but we prefer Singapore. So I said "I register the boys at the schools in Singapore?" but he said NO.
Huh??? So how like that??
Talk so much but still go back to nothing. I had been quite stress over this... as to where we are moving to. When we are moving? I know it sounds silly but it's like "Do I go and buy a plant for my garden? What if after I buy, we need to leave?". Really so unsettling... H doesn't understand why I am stressed. He just kept saying "leave it to me...."
So basically, NO answers for me.
Live day-by-day!

Bad Day!
Wednesday was a bad day! I had an order for a batch each of vanilla and chocolate mini cupcakes. As usual, I baked my vanilla first... and it turned out really bad. Taste was good but they looked bad. Overflowed from the cups... Donno why. I have been baking minis this way umpteen times without problems. I then baked another batch. Again. Looked bad. I actually baked a third time! Again. Disaster! Why? Why? Why?
Even my maid was she commented "each time always good why today like that?".
The chocolate cupcakes came out beautifully though...
I gave up after baking 3 batches of vanilla cupcakes. I called my friend who had ordered the cakes to inform her that I can't deliver the vanilla ones...but will give her some foc (some cupcakes were sorta okay)...
What did I do with the extra cupcakes?
Boys ate some. Gave some to the hired help and S1 took some to school...

And you know what? My grinder decided to conk out on this day too.
The sugar crystals here are too coarse for baking so I usually use my grinder to process the sugar into finer grains. With having to bake so many blardy batches of vanilla cupcakes, I ran out of fine had to grind a new pack. Bleahhhhh... Can't do so lor... Used the fine sugar (not exactly icing) that I have to bake... the cupcakes were sooooooo soft and fluffy. They were okay in normal sized cups but for the minis, they were just soooooooo fragile.

To top it all, I received a call from my landlord's office to inform me that they need to HACK my kitchen floor to sort out the plumbing! And also the maid's toilet to repair a leak. AIYO! Will be such a mess. Pengsan!
Discussed with H...and decided that they do all the hacking and repairing while we are away... I just have to get my maid to be around to monitor the works-in-progress (she usually gets a break when I go on a break).

Did I mention that my kids are an irresponsible bunch?
The latest thing that went missing was S2's Nokia Mobile Phone. And apparently, he also borrowed his friend's school hat and lost that too. How to make him to be more responsible? Getting really fed-up. Somehow, both the boys take turns to either lose stuff or to misbehave. They just have to take turns to make me mad!
I really donno lah.
And just now.. I wanted to pack the boys' vacation clothes so I opened S2's wardrobe door. Guess what I found... a box of Dylan's Candy Store FUDGE, which has to be stored in the fridge. Donno why the heck he hid it in there! *sigh*


slavemom said...

I can u'std y u're so stressed. Nothing is certain as of now but u've got a lot to plan ahead (for the move), rite?
Sgp is nice, so much closer to home. :)

bp said...

NM, i hope u get your Singapore preference over the "or Finland" possibility. keep us posted here!

boys, boys, i can relate to your situation. have also found sweet wrappers and worn underwear meant for the laundry hamper in my boys' closet, aiyoh!

NomadicMom said...

Slavemom - I also donno how to plan. Don't even now when exactly we will move. Where we are moving to?

Bp - Boys Boys Boys! Think to list everything can pengsan.
Sweet wrappers under the sofa, chips in the wardrobe and what nots!

Anonymous said...

Think you'll go crazy in Finland! Never mind that you'll have no maid - am sure you'll cope with that. But think of the COLD! And when it gets dark when there's supposed to be light!


stay-at-home mum said...

Singapore! Singapore! I am with you! Just think of the food and weather! Now you not only have to keep fingers crossed but start praying too!

Aiyo! All the boys are alike. They put trash anywhere but where it should be. I have found them under the sofa, in their wardrobe, in my mail basket, in the drawers, etc, etc. Vomit blood!

LittleLamb said...

maybe s2 wanted to eat secretly le? he scare he will get scolding for too much sweets???

hmm move soon again ka...Singapore lo..better than Finland. Only good about Finland is the weather. but since ur hubs like to take u for holiday..anytime can go anywhere..

NomadicMom said...

D - Yeah. Don't think I can tahan the cold. NOr the fact that half a year got NO sun. Mati lah..

SAHM - Aiya. I give up in thinking about where we will be next or when liow. Damn stressful.
Yeah..boys! What can I say??

LittleLamb - Hide in the wardrobe LAGI let me scold!!

MommyAngel said...

Oh ..... totally understand your feel about the move and I am actually horrified when I heard the word "packing" again ...... oh, makes my head spins!! Wonder when can we stopped packing and stay at one place for good hor?? :)

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Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker