"Sick" Boy
As I mentioned in my previous post, I decided to keep S2 at home on Thursday. Took him to the clinic to have the nebulizer again. As we were leaving, I saw S2's classmate and his mom walked through the door. She had just picked him up from school. The reason?
He fell and knocked his head on the concrete ground, and had started to vomit.
Anyway, she texted me later to see if we could get together for lunch the next day, that is, if her son is okay after the CT scan and all.
All is well at the doctors, ...and guess what?
We met up at the local pizza joint for lunch on Friday, and the two "SICK" boys donned on aprons and chef's hat and went to the kitchen to make their own pizzas, whilst the mommies chit-chatted. They were certainly having a ball...then my friend told her son "you better not tell your teacher that you had lunch with S2 on Friday"....YUP. Two "SICK" boys who didn't go to school, but could have a play date????
Actually, the teacher is just overly-cautious.
Boys' Sleepover
S1 had two of his friends over on Saturday for a sleepover. S2 supposed to have a friend sleepover too, but because he was still coughing, I thought it wasn't such a good idea for him to be sharing an enclosed space with his friend. So his friend stayed till about 6 pm.
Actually, am not so keen to have sleepovers at my house, but I reckoned that I should do it as this way, I get to know my boys' friends and their families too.
One of S1's friends, S was sent by the driver. The mom did not come...I don't think that I have really met her. And I thought it odd to NOT come and meet the people that your son is going to spend the night with. I could be a child-trafficker or worse! The other moms did come and have a short chat and coffee.
And when it was dinner time, this same boy S commented "It's about time!" ....I thought that was kinda rude to be making such remarks at people's house. I commented to H that this boy must be one of those spoilt RICH local kids that have like TEN maids or what-nots in the house!!
Brunch Again!
Didn't want to go to the Four Seasons Sunday Brunch. I wanted to just stay at home and ROT on the couch, and GROW worms!!! But H had already made arrangements with his friend and family. So reluctantly had to go...
Didn't eat that much. I drank more.
NO. NO. Don't be mistaken...I had the non-alcoholic brunch. Just that I drank alot of fruit juices. The others DID DRINK alot!!! And I mean ALOT!!!
Boys? Didn't really eat...except for the dips at the chocolate fountain.
Luckily they didn't charge for the kids.
Roast Pork
Tried out dad's Roast Pork recipe....had to say that it was pretty good. Will certainly make it again. Errr...forgot to take photo lah.
Finished my Balinese Dancers already...

Working on another new painting...a Buddha Statue. Waaaaah. This one is very very hard! The light graduations all soooooo difficult. Will show you when I'm done.
Xmas Bazaar
Went to a Xmas Bazaar this morning...specifically to buy the four Laptoppers requested. Will post pictures next day as they are still in the car....
Okay lah. Later...abit lazy.
Wah, you can really paint ah! Great piece of art there! :)
I'm amazed with your painting!
you painted that?!? cool!! so there's your hidden talent ya? can't wait for Buddha :-)
wahhhhhhhhhhh ur painting very terrer la! so cantik wohhhh!!
eh that roast pork recipe..share la..i'm so tempted to just drive to ur dad's place n ask him to teach me! hahahaha
Wow just realised that you're a painter! Great stuff. Do you do oils? I love oil work. Bought a couple from Bali last time from local artists. Until now, I am still trying to guess where you're based.....
Ur 'sick' kiddo still enjoying time off from sch ya.
Wow... wat a great masterpiece! Can earn a living with this hobby leh.
Btw, u've been tagged! ;)
laundryamah -
Dad's roast pork recipe is TOP SECRET!
Must say you are quite an artist!! Very soon can make good "moolah" for your paintings.
DQ - Thank you! But of course got some help from my teacher lah...
ShoppingMum - Don't say like that. Malu lah...
Sting - Buddha very difficult. So will take some time.
Laundryamah - Aiya..the roast pork no real recipe lah. Just got to make sure the skin is very dry.
Bryan and Brandon's Mama - Not professional painter lah. Just paint as hobby... one of the many hobbies that expat wives take up.
And I'm in Jakarta.
Slavemom - Aiyo...the painters here are very good. How to fight with them to sell my amateurish painting leh???
G - Actually hor...no secret ingredient leh..I was amazed at the basic ingredients used.
SAHM - Thanks...but don't think can cari makan lah..
wow, you can paint?!! woo..super woman :)
Huisia - Cannot consider Superwoman lah..
Well! I Love the details in those dresses! I think you dont need any more 'praises' from ppl who stumble upon this post gua! But still have to say it to u....GREAT!
LeeYen - Thankiu. Thankiu. Of course I am not going to complain about getting more praises, right? heheheeh
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