Friday, February 25, 2011

Really Overweight???

Don't know why my H kept saying that he is overweight. When I look at him, I think he looks ok. Not too fat nor too puny.
He keeps asking me to get him some weight loss pills to lose the extra few kilos. But seriously, I am a little hesitant. I am afraid that instead of losing fats, he might lose the very bit of muscle as well and result in a too skinny frame. I can't exactly have my hubby look slimmer and leaner than me!!! Perhaps specially formulated weight loss pills for men would be a better bet. Heard that they target the fats and not muscle mass. What do you think?


wenn said...

ya, good slimming products target those fats.

NomadicMom said...

Wenn - any good brands to recommend?

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker