Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Feeling Lonely...

Yup! Feeling rather lonely...especially this afternoon....in a house filled with fellow countrywomen. It was a get-together amongst the ladies from home. Lots of chatting...but somehow I can't catch 85% of what was being said. Unless it was a conversation directed to me, all of them were conversing in BM...and you know how bad my BM is.
Why did I go?

Have to lah...donwan people to say that I so stuck-up. I already don't join them for badminton.... So, for makan-makan, sometimes have to show up lah.

I recall mama pumpkin mentioning that she hates mama cliques... but I have to say that cliques are unavoidable.... because you do want to hang out with people with similar lifestyles, values, and language too....in order to feel at ease. Know what I mean? I am not saying that we ought to confine ourselves with our own kind...but more rather than people of similar wavelengths, so to speak.

I mention language because it is a key to "feeling at ease" with the group...as you can then contribute as well as receive what's being discussed. This group of ladies speak BM...there is another group of ladies (also countrywomen) who speaks a mixture of Chinese and English. I do NOT see any possibilities of these two groups of ladies getting together and having a laugh. Though I attend functions/dos in these two groups....somehow I still do not feel totally at ease.

Then there's the Thai-speaking clique....though they are friendly, you can't really join them as in join them. You know what I mean? Yes. I speak Thai but NOT THAT good to participate in real conversations between native-speakers.

Other cliques?
- Another Malaysian group that's not with the two groups above...
- My scrapbooking group...
- Golfing Kakis...

My "feeling at ease" group already all cabut home already....except for one. Sounds a bit pathetic... Yeah?

Don't think that I am stuck-up. I do try to join those ladies whenever I can....... Have lunches, coffees, games, tours, etc etc..... (another afternoon tea coming up tomorrow....was thinking of not going, and they all said I am giving excuses wor...)

Think I am a PROBLEM CHILD ? Or should I say PROBLEM EXPAT WIFE?


Anonymous said...

OoooOo..I know what u mean.


sting said...

poor you.. it's kinda difficult to 'force" yourself to join these groups if it was not out of fun.. what about other "international" groups eg maybe some charity or reading or makan-makan groups?!? :-)

NomadicMom said...

mott - :-)

Sting - Hehehe..not forcing liow..hahaha. I literally shouted at one of the ladies at the tea this afternoon! Hahaha.

bp said...

How about try and look at it from the angle that you do have different groups with different interests you can go to? I don't have a clique over where I am now, so I understand the lonely feeling and feeling left out/different. Still, it's nice once in a while when friends (even mere acquaintances) come together, and it's an opportunity to know each other a bit more. Even if the only common interest we have is food, it's nice to have company, right?

That said, I do miss my good old friends back home a lot, not being able to meet up with them... and I believe you do, too!

A big hug for you, Nomadic Mom, from this blogger friend across the miles! =)

NomadicMom said...

bp - Yes. It is nice to have makan-makan once in a while. I think I should NOT expect the same kind of "comfort" that I enjoy with my friends back home. Then perhaps I would enjoy more, and be happier.

I supposed I sometimes expect so much that I get disappointed. Know what I mean?

And thank you for the hug across the miles...I hug you back, okay?

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker