Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Free Nights!

Boys' Easter School Break is just round-the-corner. Their last day of school is less than 2 weeks away, and they would be off school for two whole weeks! I cannot imagine being stuck in the house with my two monsters listening to them fighting 24/7.  Neither do I want to leave them glued in front of the computer or TV screen. So, I've decided to take them somewhere for a week's vacation. And in view of the economic downturn, I'm trying to save every penny that I can. I think there are some deals where I could get one free hotel night for every two nights stay. This would help quite a great deal... especially these days, I need two rooms instead of one!


mott said...

adoi..my kids' easter break is also around the corner...

*sweating buckets*

NomadicMom said...

mott - we do have "free" nights...at friend's house!

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker