Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Do you think my maid is priviledged?

Yes. This post is going to be about the maid AGAIN.

Seems like of late, I have many posts about my maid. Read here, here and here. She will be famous soon!!

I can hear you ask "now what?"

Ok. Ok. I know you guys are going to say "serves you right for spoiling the maid". Read here for the TV we bought her.... My Ibu friends here were rolling their eyes all over when I told them about my maid.

Let's start from the beginning.... ever since we moved into the apartment, i.e. July 2011, she has had less work to do - smaller sq footage, no garden to sweep, no plants to water, no terrace to sweep and mop, no garage floor, no service area etc etc.... So senang, right? And when we moved here, boys were on holidays and mom was over to help with the move. Mom was here for three weeks. And throughout mom's stay, the maid actually woke up later than mom every single day.

I have also been waking up early for the last few months, and I usually make my own coffee/tea or breakfast, and didn't reprimand the maid even when she only shows her face at 7.30 am and sometimes even at 8.00 am! I was like 'cin-chai' since boys on holidays, plus I don't really care as long as she does the work. So... whole of July and half of August, our sleeping beauty has been taking her own sweet time to start work.

Come Sunday night... I told her that tomorrow (15 Aug), boys will have school. Prepare breakfast to be served at 6.20 AM. As a maid, you should also know your place right? School starts mean no more sleeping till 7.30 or 8 AM right? I tell you..... I was FREAKING MAD on Monday morning. Really really mad.

My alarm rang at 6.00 AM. I went to wake the boys, then thought I should just go check on the maid. WALIOW! She also just woke up and in the toilet. I went ballistic! I really screamed at her. And she dared to answer back and said "you said breakfast at 6.20 am".

After the boys left for school, I really gave her a long screaming session. "For one whole month and more, I didn't say anything when you started work at 7.30 am or 8.00 am. But when boys started school, shouldn't you WAKE up earlier and make sure bottles are wash, filled, tables wiped and breakfast is prepared. You tell me. As a maid. You wake up same time as the boys. Got meaning or not? Some days, even Pak has gone to work then only you wake up. You say Got meaning or not? Where in any other households, where maid wake up later than boss one? ALL households require the maid to make coffee and breakfast for the boss. You? Wake up later than boss. Got meaning or not? You want to work or not???"

Then she said "if you still want me, I still want to work"
I shouted back at her "you work like this, I don't want you ah! Don't think that just because I am busy, you are indispensable. So many people downstairs want to have your job. Moment I ask, many people want your job. Easy job. Cook 2 omelets in the morning, clean for 2 hours, load clothes in washing machine, then 4 hours free, iron some clothes, free time, cook dinner, and then free... soooooo much free time. And all I have to do is make a call, and my mom or dad will fly here to train the new maid. Easy. So you think you are indispensable? Forget it. Even when my kids were little, and very attached to a nanny, the moment they act up or say want to leave, they expect me to say PLEASE stay, I increase your pay. NEVER! I would never. Want to go. Go. So you??? My kids are big. You think I will ever ask you to stay? Even if I am soooooo busy with work? NEVER! "

Waaaaaaa.... I tell you, so so mad. And then on Tuesday morning? 6 AM, our friend was up and cleaning the floors and what-nots. Let's see how long this last.

Actually, got some more story. ... Other day, I told her to collect the boys from downstairs when they return from their Chinese. Have to collect because this apartment funny one. Cannot buzz from upstairs. Must go down and collect people and boys don't have the key card. Boys buzz and our friend donno dreaming or what (or happily watching her Sinetron hearthrob). So didn't go down and get the boys, and obviously boys got maang-chang (especially my big one) and I am the one that faced the maang-chang-ness. Of course I scolded her again lah. "go down and get boys so simple to do, also cannot do. How can I use you??"

I donno lah... let's see how many more posts about my current maid UNTIL I get a NEW maid!


LittleLamb said...

U got no back up yet ? If got, just ask her to leave lor. Also, let her do more work la. Although we are flexible, let her wipe the windows or wash toilet everyday. I even taught my old maid how to sort letters according to the bank logos and then in chronological order so that I can do my file-ings.

Anonymous said...

I know difficult to train another one but fry sotong la. What kind of cb attitude is this?


NomadicMom said...

LittleLamb - Define backup.
If finding maid. I'm sure got alot. But then, have get my dad or mom over to train the new maid. Plus the devil you know vs. the devil you don't know!

At the moment, I cannot think of stuff for her to do...other than clean the house. Just found dust and dust on my sheleves!

D - But she can make quite a lot of stuff liow wor. Train new one also not necessarily will learn leh. This one, I train her to make banana cake, apple crumble, lor pak kou, lor mai kai, beijing dumplings, hainanese chicken rice, jamie oliver's roast chicken, my chicken casserole, grilled fish angmoh style with lemon butter sauce, and the list goes on. Waaa... new maid, will take another donno how long ler...

wenn said...

luckily i don't hv maids..

NomadicMom said...

Wenn - Maids. Can't live with them. Can't live with them.

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker