Sunday, May 27, 2007

Country Fair @ School

Boys had fun in the Country Fair @ School, which was organised by the PTA. On the other hand, it was quite an ordeal for me.. It was a blardy hot day! We left home at about 9.30 am, because I was supposed to help man a games stall at 11.00 am till noon. But the stall was cancelled and no one informed us.... otherwise didn't have to go so early. We stayed till about 3 pm because there was a lucky draw at 2 pm.

NOPE! Didn't win the 30 GB iPod video, nor the PS2, nor the PSP, nor the 2 x tickets to Bali, nor the 2 x tickets to Hong Kong! Didn't even manage to get a lousy toaster or blender!! S1 was of course VERY disappointed that he didn't get the PSP or the iPod.... I wasn't aiming so high for the HK tickets lah.. but was hoping maybe get the dinner voucher at the Shangri-La or the Spa Vouchers... BLECH!! What "sai" also don't have!!!

Anyway, both boys were GLADIATORS!!!

This is S1 on the left. His opponent was non other than his current best pal, T. Yup! He lost!!

Here, S2 is on the right. His opponent? His Korean gal-pal from his class, SH. This is the ONLY girl that gets invited to ALL the All-boys birthday parties. cassanova was going "I don't wanna fight with her! Let her win!" ...

Yes! Yes! My two boys are "sau-mang-kais"!!!

BTW, am trying to upload my video clip of S2 and SH. All you can hear is me prompting them to "fight lah!!"....Will see if jadi or not...


Anonymous said...

wahhhh...cheerleading mom!!!!

So sad to hear u didn't win anything... I am also like that..always hoping to win..but not hoping too much. But when actually don't sad!

btw, if u're Amah's schoolmate..I'm your junior by 2 years! *grins*

NomadicMom said...

Yeah... kinda disappointed that we didn't even get a simple meal voucher!! Blech!! junior ah.. want to tell me that I am OLDER izit?? KEKEKE...

Btw,...I WAS a cheerleader long long time ago... a time when my thighs were not so thunderous... HAHAHHA...

WMD: Wife, Mother, Daughter said...

Yah I remembered you were a cheerleader...for which house already ah? I know definitely not Hermine.

So funny how you put it..."when your thighs were not so thunderous".

NomadicMom said...

Yeah lah... now the thighs can cause earthquake one leh... lah..exagerating a little bit lah. But after two kids, of course got put on weight lah.. But definitely not like "Sam Tin Ha" lah..


Anonymous said...

hahaha..i also cheerleader wor...



NomadicMom said...

Too bad I donno where all my School mags went to...otherwise sure go korek and scrutinise the pictures... KEKEKE...

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker