Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Kids Discussing about Sex???

Yeap! Unfortunately, they do at this age..i.e 9/10 years old! I've heard loads of stuff from the boys..mainly from S1 lah. Recent stuff that I heard:
  • S has broken up with L because he wants to have sex with his best friend
  • C says his father is sick because he likes to suck his mommy's butt
  • T is very excited to watch the Sex Education video in Year 6

My S1 is still blur-blur lah... although he knows about "how a baby is made"..he actually asked me when he was about 5 and was happy with the answer of "sperm from daddy meets the egg from mommy"...and then he turned 6... and he was asking more. I would answer with a " Aiya... told you many times already...sperm from daddy meets the egg in mommy". My smart alec would say " I know. I know. BUT how the the sperm from daddy get to the egg in mommy???"... So of course, I bo-huat have to explain explicitly lah... which he took it quite well then.

So, when S1 came back with loads of talk about "sex" and "gays" etc, I felt that I had to explain a little bit more about how things works.....about sexual abuse, "erection" but I said "chiow-chiow get hard", etc etc. Of course I told him to keep it to himself and not share with his brother nor his friends, as some parents may not want their kids to know about these stuff so soon... But I prefer that he gets the information from me than from the internet !!! (My S2 even said "can type SEX into google and find everything about SEX!!!! Sei-mou?? They just know the word but don't really know what it really means... ) Told him that he could always come and ask me about things... and the great thing was, he said "Yeah! Sure I will talk to you. I can talk to you about anything one!"...which is mighty good... Just hopefully, he doesn't change his mind about this and decide that "talking to mom is UNCOOL"....

Learning to be a parent of a TWEEEEN....

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Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker