Think I would prefer to be a PTWM (Part-Time Working Mum). I've been a FTWM and SAHM before. But mine you, I have never been a PTWM my reasons may be skewed or unrealistic. Anyway, here are my three reasons...
- Working part-time would allow me to have my own dosh!!! Which I feel is quite important.(Don't think earning that little $ from blogging counts as part-time work...)
- Flexible hours in part-time work would allow a good balance between working and family life. FedUp of work, very quickly can go home. FedUp of Kids, also can give excuse that I need to work. So, no problem with too much of a good thing!
- Continual intellectual stimulation,... and having a wee bit of sense of achievement...(unless I suddenly be such a GREAT woman golfer, I will poo-poo having a "normal" job!!)
Here’s how it works:
1. So easy peasy, if you were given a choice, would you be a SAHM or FTWM? Just provide 3 darn good reasons.
2. Include your post link to the list below and
Finally,3. Tag another three mommies
List:1. Immomsdaughter prefers to be a SAHM
2. Miche prefers to be a SAHM too.
3. SYH prefers to be a PTWM.
4. Shoppingmum is definitely a SAHM material.
5. WMD definitely prefers FTWM
6. Nomadic Mom THINKS she prefers to be a PTWM
Most done already...but maybe Dancing Queen, Judy and SAHM don't mind doing???
Thanks for tagging me! Will work on it! :D
No need to sollee one. I will do the tag and I still owe Kooky Culinary a tag too.
1. Very true but only if husband is tight fisted (skintflint). If husband is very liberal and hands a lump some for you each month to run the household as you please, then it is like working part-time.
2. It is trying to find a company which is very flexible that you allows you sick days off with pay when your child is sick or has sports day, etc.
3. Very true indeed. That is the fun side of working. :)
Dancing Queen - Good that you wanna do it.
Judy - My H not "koo honn" lah..but it's more of myself lah...
If my husband earn good $$ and not koo hon, I also don't want to work lah but my life is such that my dear hubby is none of the above, so I have to work. :))
OK I will do it...
thanks for doing the tag.
Sometimes, I think my kind of job can be classified as PTWM. A colleague of mine says that she is FT driver and PT lecturer.
Done your tag liao!
WMD - Yeah... I also think you are PTWM lah.. Your working time looks like very can get looooooooong sabatical some more!!
SAHM - I will go read yours now..
Judy - Think when you are working, you want to stay home, and vice versa... So, maybe this PTWM is best of both worlds??!??!?!
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