Saturday, June 09, 2007

PAYjr Teen Prepaid Card

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I have recently started giving S1 weekly allowance of approximately USD 5. As he is rather blasé about stuff, I do not physically give him the money. Instead, I make him record in a booklet, which I sign weekly to "indicate" that he has his weekly USD 5. He has to use his allowance to purchase his wants, such as DVDs, PS2 games etc. Oh! Yes. He also has to pay for damages in the house! (The other day, he thought that he was Bruce Lee and somehow damaged my mosquito screen. So, the cost of repair will be borne by him!) These expenditure will be deducted from his booklet.

I guessed the time will come where he no longer accepts this arrangement, and I would have to give him cold hard cash, which would be difficult to monitor what and how he spends it.

Alternatively, I could use PAYjr Teen Prepaid card. S1 would still have the freedom and flexibility of spending his allowance, and I would still be able to monitor the card activity on his spending habits! I can add money or suspend the card whenever I want. In short, I will be in control! Isn't this a great tool for moms and dads???

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Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker